Thursday, 16 August 2018

Snack Box Swap!

Hey Guys!

So as I’m off work sick today this has given me a good opportunity right relax, sleep and when I feel up to it, write a blog post! 

I’m in a lot of travel groups across social media and had the idea to try a snack box swap with a girl I met in one of these groups who was from Denmark. It worked so well and when I shared the idea in the travel groups I was in, it took off! It led me to creating a group specifically designed for this purpose which you can find below.  

I am so pleased with how to group has grown but the idea wouldn’t be complete without sharing this on my blog! 
I sent snacks from England and received a box full of yummy Danish snacks which ranged from cinnamon rolls to chocolate caramel turtles! I haven’t been able to try them all yet but I’m looking forward to when I do! 

A couple of tips if you’re looking at doing a similar idea: 

- Join the group, there’s a whole community of people wanting to swap!

- Set a budget so it’s equal and fair 

- Try to send the same day or week as the person you swap with 

- Check customs regulations, there may be certain foods that you cannot include, if this is the case it may even be worth swapping other items instead. 

- Check for allergies! 

I hope this helps, it really was a unique and really fun experience and I look forward to doing more swaps in the future! 

J x

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