Monday 7 November 2016

The cutest Bonfire Weekend

One of my favourite things about November 5th is watching the fireworks go off across the city all weekend. I was talking to my boyfriend over the weekend about fireworks being a metaphor. Perhaps they are a symbol of hope which shows that even in the darkest of times, there is light or that a tiny idea can be turned into something amazing. Just think of all the successful bloggers out there that started blogging as a very small hobby. I am sure none of them could imagine to grow their blog to the size that they have. To me, fireworks are magical, lighting up the darkest of skies and showing that even in the darkest of times, there is light.

I do find it very hard to resist being one of those cliché 'let's post every firework we see on Instagram' people but after scrolling through Instagram on November 5th, I realise that to the rest of the world every firework photo can look quite similar. So on this blog I'll limit myself to a maximum of three cliché firework photos.

My weekend started on the Friday when I went to my boyfriend's house in Horncastle. I walked in to find the cutest surprise which I believe can only be explained by the photo below, he really is a soppy git ;)
After this adorable romantic gesture we tucked into a Chinese. As usual, we left the prawn crackers, not that we don't love prawn crackers we just decided to eat the rest of the food first and by the time we had finished that we was ultimately too full for the crackers - sad times.
On the Saturday we got the bus into Lincoln and decided to do a bit of shopping, we stopped off at McDonalds for some food and then continued with shopping, browsing the array of charity shops (one of the best places for bargain clothes) along the way.
After that we headed to the Odeon where we watched the new film 'A street cat named Bob'. For me this was a very personal film as I also used to have a ginger cat named Tilly, who was also a street cat and found his new home here. What makes this film even more of a tearjerker is that it is based on a true story, it's a film I can definitely recommend but I'd advise taking some tissues too! In the evening we then went to a charity fireworks display in Horncastle (photos above).  It was absolutely freezing but we managed to stay close to the bonfire they had which made us a bit warmer.

On Sunday I went to something I have never been to before at Skegness Stadium. It was known as slot car racing or banger racing and involved modified cars to race around a circuit. Honestly, if my driving instructor thinks I'm dangerous on the roads he should watch that. I really enjoyed the races but my favourite has to be the destruction derby at the end (I'm not a violent person at all) and this involved racing round a circuit smashing up caravans as much as possible. I have attached a video below but it may not be to everyone's taste.
After the racing there was also a fireworks display which we stayed to watch (no cliché photos this time don't worry) and then just as the fireworks finished and we was heading out of the stadium, it started to rain but luckily the car wasn't too far away.

Overall I had a really amazing weekend and had a lovely time celebrating Bonfire Night. How did you celebrate Bonfire Night?
J x


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